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Mario hires Snake.

Solid Snake is a soldier from the video game series Metal Gear Solid (MGS for short) on PlayStation. In SuperMarioGlitchy4's videos, he only appeared in the blooper "The Toadassass-ination".

Appearances in SuperMarioGltchy4's videos

Solid Snake only made a cameo appearance in the blooper "The Toadassass-ination" released in 2014, and has never reappeared since. In this video, Mario gets annoyed by Toad, so he tries to assassinate him, fails at doing so. While Toad is at Delfino Plaza, he hires Solid Snake to kill him, but the thug misses, falls down of the roof of the house on which he was standing and hurts his knee, making Mario hire Connor Kenway next to fufill his task.
