
Dark Star X is a stronger version of the Dark Star from Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story and MarioMario54321's OiramOiram12345 and the Dark Star X videos, who makes a few very rare cameo appearances in SMG4's videos.


Super Mario 64 Bloopers: 0% of Spaghetti[]

The first cameo appearance was on the tv in the random guy's house in the background, along with Dark Fawful X and Dark Bowser X. In the same blooper MarioMario himself actually flies by riding the Dark star X while the guy is chasing SMG4 and Mario.

Super Mario 64 Commercial: Join the Evil Side[]

It appeared in one of SMG3's example of being a hero in which MM defeated it.

SMG4: If Mario Was In... Nickelodeon[]

He can be seen in the main banner art nearby with MarioMario54321 as Mario looks at the wiki to become smart in order to defeat in Jimmy Neutron.



SuperMario Glitchy4!!

Darkstarx's on Smg4's Facebook page.

  • Oddly enough, even though having very few appearances in SMG4's videos, Dark Star X still appears on SMG4's Facebook background sneaking up behind MM.

v - e - d SMG4 characters